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Title Year Genre
Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller 1994 Adventure
Hello Kitty Asobi no Mochabako 1995 Educational
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Aesop Monogatari 1994 Adventure
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Cinderella 1995 Adventure
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Ningyo Hime 1994 Adventure
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Ookami to Shichi Hiki no Koyagi 1995 Adventure
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Sanhiki no Kobuta 1994 Adventure
Hirata Shogo Interactive Ehon - Shirayuki Hime 1994 Adventure
Horde, The 1994 Strategy