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Myst III - Exile for Microsoft Xbox
Year : 2002
Genre : Adventure
Local Players : 1
Franchise : Myst

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Name Function
Derek Becker 3D Animator
Mick Buckmiller 3D Animator
Steve Kim 3D Animator
Chris Neuhahn 3D Animator
Keith Self-Ballard 3D Animator
Dave Flanagan Assistant Producer
Phil Saunders Creative Director
Seth Fisher Designer
Stephen Hoogendyk Designer
Ron Lemen Designer
Francis Tsai Designer
Michel Kripalani Executive Producer
Mike Brown Lead 3D Animator
Roland Gustafsson Lead Programmer
Jose Albanil Modeler
Nate Clowar Modeler
Casey Steffen Modeler
Jack Wall Music
Greg Uhler Producer
Jamey Scott Sound Designer
Max Elliott Technology Programmer
Michael Saladino Technology Programmer
James Rochelle Texture Artist
Kelly Paige Standard Texture Artist
Mary DeMarle Writer