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Crash Twinsanity for Sony Playstation 2
Alternate titles : Crash Bandicoot 5 - Crash & Cortex no Yabou?!?
Year : 2004
Genre : Action
Local Players : 1
Franchise : Crash Bandicoot
Manuals : USA

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Name Function
Spiralmouth Music
Mel Winkler Voice: Aku-Aku
Debi Derryberry Voice: Coco Bandicoot
Dwight Schultz Voice: Dingodile
Lex Lang Voice: Dr. Neo Cortex
Alex Fernandez Voice: Farmer Ernest
Susan Silo Voice: Madam Amberly
Quinton Flynn Voice: Moritz
Quinton Flynn Voice: N. Gin
Michael Ensign Voice: N. Tropy
Susan Silo Voice: Nina Cortex
Dwight Schultz Voice: Papu Papu
Quinton Flynn Voice: Penguin
Dwight Schultz Voice: Rusty Walrus
Michael Ensign Voice: Tribesmen
Dwight Schultz Voice: Tribesmen
Mel Winkler Voice: Tribesmen
Alex Fernandez Voice: Uka-Uka
Quinton Flynn Voice: Victor
Debi Derryberry Voice: Young Dr. Cortex