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Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes for Nintendo GameCube
Year : 2004
Genre : Action
Local Players : 1
Franchise : Metal Gear
Manuals : USA

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Name Function
Denis Dyack Director
Hideo Kojima Director
Norihiko Hibino Music Composer
Rika Muranaka Music Composer
Chuck Farley Voice: Genome Soldier B, Vulcan Raven
Frederick Bloggs Voice: Jim Houseman
Tasia Valenza Voice: Control Room Computer
Rob Paulsen Voice: Cyborg Ninja
Greg Eagles Voice: Donald Anderson, Grey Fox
Steven Jay Blum Voice: Genome Soldier
S. Scott Bullock Voice: Genome Soldier
Scott Dolph Voice: Genome Soldier
Scott Menville Voice: Genome Soldier
Dean Scofield Voice: Genome Soldier
Doug Stone Voice: Genome Soldier A
Granville Van Dusen Voice: Genome Solier
Rob Paulsen Voice: Grey Fox
William Bassett Voice: Jim Houseman
Allan Lurie Voice: Kenneth Baker
Bert Stewart Voice: Kenneth Baker
Cam Clarke Voice: Liquid Snake
Cam Clarke Voice: Master Miller
Kim Mai Guest Voice: Mei Ling
Kim Nguyen Voice: Mei Ling
Debi Mae West Voice: Meryl
Jennifer Hale Voice: Naomi Hunter
Renee Raudman Voice: Nastasha Romanenko
Christopher Randolph Voice: Otacon, Hal Emmerich
Doug Stone Voice: Psycho Mantis
Patric Zimmerman Voice: Revolver Ocelot
Paul Eiding Voice: Roy Campbell
Julie Monroe Voice: Sniper Wolf
Tasia Valenza Voice: Sniper Wolf
David Hayter Voice: Solid Snake
Peter Lurie Voice: Vulcan Raven