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Shisenfu Gekikara Mahjong for Sony Playstation
Year : 2001
Genre : Mahjong
Local Players : 1

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Name Function
Tadashi Noguchi Character Design
Kazuo Tsutsui Graphic Assistant
Ryuji Kagota Graphics
Yoshihiro Ohta Graphics
Junichi Nishiyama Planner
Masayoshi Koyama Producer
Mieko Kato Program
Mitsuhiro Nakamura Program
Hiroki Ohkawa Program
Shoji Saruwatari Program
Hiroyasu Hoshi Sound
Kenji Hamada Voice Talent (Japanese)
Tomoko Hasegawa Voice Talent (Japanese)
Yasuyuki Kase Voice Talent (Japanese)
Takako Kodama Voice Talent (Japanese)
Hiromichi Kogami Voice Talent (Japanese)
Mai Nagasako Voice Talent (Japanese)
Michiko Sato Voice Talent (Japanese)
Hiroyuki Yokoo Voice Talent (Japanese)