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SuperLite 1500 Series - Cotton 100% - Marchen Adventure for Sony Playstation
Year : 2003
Genre : Shooter
Local Players : 1
Franchise : Cotton

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Name Function
Shinobu Itoh Character Design
Motoi Saito Character Design
Motoi Saito Director
Kazutoshi Yashiki Director
Yukio Kakehi Executive Producer
Masahiro Fukuda Graphics
Shinobu Itoh Graphics
Shinichi Matsuoka Graphics
Motoi Saito Graphics
Kazutoshi Yashiki Graphics
Yoshinari Takato Producer
Tomohiro Chuman Programmer
Makoto Namai Programmer
Akihiko Noguchi Programmer
Mizuho Sasa Programmer
Hiroki Yanagisawa Programmer
Takae Yoriguchi Radio Actress
Kenichi Hirata Sound Composer
Satoshi Ohta Sound Effects
Kyoko Yoshinaga Visual CG Design
Hideki Tamura Visual Character Design