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Tetris Attack for Nintendo Super NES
Year : 1996
Genre : Puzzle
Local Players : 1-2
Manuals : USA

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Name Function
Toshitaka Muramatsu Director
Hitoshi Yamagami Director
Masao Yamamoto Director
Masaya Kuzume Music Composer
Gumpei Yokoi Producer
Hiroya Huriyama Voice:
Isa Voice:
Kim Jones Voice:
Robin Krouse Voice:
Isaac Marshall Voice:
Mitsuru Matsumoto Voice:
Heidi McDonald Voice:
Daniel McDonald Voice:
Andrew McDonald Voice:
Yoshikayu Mori Voice:
Jenny Parker Voice:
Stacey Peterson Voice:
Christie Rush Voice:
Phil Sandhop Voice:
Debbie Sandhop Voice:
Arnold Williams Voice:
Osamu Yamauchi Voice: