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Tintin in Tibet for Nintendo Super NES
Alternate titles : Kuifje in Tibet; Tim in Tibet; Tintin au Tibet; Tintin en el Tibet; Tintin i Tibet
Year : 1995
Genre : Adventure
Franchise : Tintin
Manuals : EUR

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Name Function
Xavier Schon Design
Edith Protiere Executive Producer
Nathalie Jean Bart Graphics
Celine Billon Graphics
Pierre Marie Dormenil Graphics
Barry Hutchinson Graphics
Delphine Personnaz Graphics
Jean Marc Toroella Graphics
Bruno Bonnell Production
Alexandre Bacquart Programmer
Hung Huynh Programmer
Frederic Jay Programmer
Emmanuel Regis Programmer
Fabrice Bouillon Sound
Emmanuel Regis Sound and Music
Vincent Pourieux Tools Programmer
Yannick Turbe Tools Programmer